AI绘画-Midjourney基础2-创意之旅启航:超强二次元风格模型 niji 5

news/2024/7/11 7:29:46 标签: AI作画, midjourney

niji 模型是 mj 的一种模型,可以生成二次元风格的图片。

在控制台输入 /settings 指令,进入设置页面。

选择第二行的 Niji version 5 模型,就可以创作二次元风格的图片了!

niji 5 模型还有 expressive、cute、scenic 3种风格可以使用,接下来将展示4条 prompt 分别在默认风格和这3种风格下的表现!

一、niji 5 模型

在 prompt 的后缀参数部分加上 --niji 5,也可以使用 niji  5 模型。

Step into the world :: of a lovely girl ::2 in a pink bedroom, full of cuteness and charm. She exudes an aura of sweetness, making the atmosphere feel cozy and inviting. This is a space where imagination and dreams come to life. --ar 16:9 --niji 5

Welcome to the delightful space :: of a cute girl ::2 in her pastel pink room. The room reflects her youthful innocence and is filled with her favorite toys and decorations. This is a world full of joy and fun. --ar 16:9 --niji 5

Enter the magical world :: of an adorable girl ::2 in her charming pink room. The room is as sweet and enchanting as she is, filled with her dreams and fantasies. Immerse yourself in this world full of cuteness. --ar 16:9 --niji 5

Join the cute girl ::2 in her dreamy pink room. Filled with soft toys, kawaii decorations, and warm, welcoming vibes, it is a haven of joy and innocence. Dive into this world of charm and cuteness. --ar 16:9 --niji 5

二、expressive 风格

expressive 风格可以创建出更富有表现力的图片。要使用 expressive 风格,在 prompt 的参数列表中加上 "--style expressive" 即可。

Step into the world :: of a lovely girl ::2 in a pink bedroom, full of cuteness and charm. She exudes an aura of sweetness, making the atmosphere feel cozy and inviting. This is a space where imagination and dreams come to life. --ar 16:9 --niji 5 --style expressive

Welcome to the delightful space :: of a cute girl ::2 in her pastel pink room. The room reflects her youthful innocence and is filled with her favorite toys and decorations. This is a world full of joy and fun. --ar 16:9 --niji 5  --style expressive

Enter the magical world :: of an adorable girl ::2 in her charming pink room. The room is as sweet and enchanting as she is, filled with her dreams and fantasies. Immerse yourself in this world full of cuteness. --ar 16:9 --niji 5 --style expressive

Join the cute girl ::2 in her dreamy pink room. Filled with soft toys, kawaii decorations, and warm, welcoming vibes, it is a haven of joy and innocence. Dive into this world of charm and cuteness. --ar 16:9 --niji 5 --style expressive

三、cute 风格


Step into the world :: of a lovely girl ::2 in a pink bedroom, full of cuteness and charm. She exudes an aura of sweetness, making the atmosphere feel cozy and inviting. This is a space where imagination and dreams come to life. --ar 16:9 --niji 5 --style cute

Welcome to the delightful space :: of a cute girl ::2 in her pastel pink room. The room reflects her youthful innocence and is filled with her favorite toys and decorations. This is a world full of joy and fun. --ar 16:9 --niji 5

Enter the magical world :: of an adorable girl ::2 in her charming pink room. The room is as sweet and enchanting as she is, filled with her dreams and fantasies. Immerse yourself in this world full of cuteness. --ar 16:9 --niji 5 --style cute --chaos 30 --stylize 600

Join the cute girl ::2 in her dreamy pink room. Filled with soft toys, kawaii decorations, and warm, welcoming vibes, it is a haven of joy and innocence. Dive into this world of charm and cuteness. --ar 16:9 --niji 5 --style cute

四、scenic 风格


Step into the world :: of a lovely girl ::2 in a pink bedroom, full of cuteness and charm. She exudes an aura of sweetness, making the atmosphere feel cozy and inviting. This is a space where imagination and dreams come to life. --ar 16:9 --niji 5 --style scenic

Welcome to the delightful space :: of a cute girl ::2 in her pastel pink room. The room reflects her youthful innocence and is filled with her favorite toys and decorations. This is a world full of joy and fun. --ar 16:9 --niji 5 --style scenic

Enter the magical world :: of an adorable girl ::2 in her charming pink room. The room is as sweet and enchanting as she is, filled with her dreams and fantasies. Immerse yourself in this world full of cuteness. --ar 16:9 --niji 5 --style scenic --chaos 30 --stylize 600 

Join the cute girl ::2 in her dreamy pink room. Filled with soft toys, kawaii decorations, and warm, welcoming vibes, it is a haven of joy and innocence. Dive into this world of charm and cuteness. --ar 16:9 --niji 5 --style scenic

附:niji 5 模型体验总结

niji 5 模型是一个非常好用的二次元风格模型,有3种风格供大家使用,此外低版本的 niji 模型大家也可以去多多玩耍!

生成图片的 prompt 我已经放在正文中,如果需要图片的 seed 值,请在评论区回复第几张图片。



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